April 24, 2023

Office / Remote: which policy to combine well-being and performance?

Office / Remote: which policy to combine well-being and performance?

Those who work remotely are only pretending to work 🤡

Thanks Elon Musk for this very nuanced position.

At Stockly, we try to have a more pragmatic approach to the subject.

🏢 Office work improves social interaction:

Increases informal exchanges allowing smoother knowledge sharing;

Avoids async communication lags and tedious iterations;

Deepens team spirit and culture;

🏡 Remote work:

Makes bubbling into deep-dive subjects easier;

Enables collaboration with international talents that wouldn’t be able to relocate permanently.

Overall, at Stockly we’ve decided NOT to encourage full-remote work. Only 10% of the team is in “remote-first” mode, and they come to Paris ~1 week per month.

In practice, we sometimes work from home, sometimes from the office, but when we are needed at the office for some reason, we can be there very easily.

In order to ensure fairness in company investments in wellness at work + to respect our core value that’s transparency, we’ve documented our remote-work policy to make the rules fair and clear (we even explain and share it to candidates to ensure they have all information when they apply)